Step by Step Transfer Of Wealth from
The Working/Middle Class to the Extremely Wealthy
1. Systematically shift the tax burden from the rich by enacting laws based upon the notion that Wealth will trickle down if the wealthy are not taxed.
2. Systematically do away with a Century of American Labor Law.
3. Eliminate all of the regulatory mechanisms in the Financial and Banking sectors and declare them subject to the free market.
4. When the Banks and Financial Sector fails bail them out with public money amortized onto the taxes of working and middle class people.
5. Decimate all consumer protection laws and legitimize usury as a legitimate business practice.
6. Enact laws that encourage US companies to move manufacturing offshore, and engage in “Free Trade” with countries that have no; labor unions, or labor laws, or safety, or quality standards.
7. Encourage the immigration and employment of low paid illegal foreign workers, by insuring that enforcement does not target those that employee them.
8. Appoint judges to the Supreme Court who will overturn more than a century of judicial precedent with a ruling that holds that; corporations are persons and have the right to contribute unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns.
9. Engage in endless foreign wars, to maximize a continuous flow of profit to the Military Industrial Complex. Use the sons and daughters of the working and middle class as your military.
10. Devise a financial derivatives instrument that encourages poorly collateralized mortgages and the quick maximization and profits from those mortgages. Design them so that they are so complex no one will understand them.
11. After the Mortgage and Housing bubble’s burst, foreclose on the last vestige of working/middle class wealth, the American Home. Make enormous profits from those foreclosures, make sure those profits are not understood.
12. Eliminate the obligation of Social Security, by privatizing it in such a way that Wall Street will make billions while individual small investors will be subject to the whims of the market.
13. Eliminate the obligation of health insurance for the elderly by passing laws that will privatize eldercare and shift the expenditure from providing protection for the elderly to a profit making engine for private insurance companies.
14. Engage in alliances with fundamentalist Christian organizations to gain their voting support.
15. Use alliances with fundamentalist Christian organizations to divert the public debate toward moral issues and away from working and middle class economic issues.
16. Eliminate costly life saving or maintaining health procedures for the elderly by making them participate in a voucher system where out of pocket cost will be prohibitive, or coverage simply unavailable.
17. Realize a death obligation synergy dividend from the working and middle class as a result of impacts of lost retirement income, and loss of Medicare coverage. The benefit will be in direct proportion to the inevitable decrease in life expectancy.
18. Maintain a permanent working underclass by privatizing public schools so that they can be resegregated. Do this in such a way, as to insure that quality education will be reserved only for the wealthy.
19. Restrict access to private colleges to those students who can afford to attend elite private preparatory schools.
20. Completely privatize postsecondary education by systematically defunding public colleges while maintaining community colleges to train the permanent working underclass in specific job related skills.
21. Continue the control of elections by using fear as a propaganda tool, and systematically eliminating or restricting access to voting for working and middle class people.
22. Fight for the right of congressional redistricting that will allow right wing politicians to maintain their control (Gerrymandering) over the State and National legislatures.
23. Install a Corporation CEO as Presidents by manipulating information and flooding targeted politicians with unlimited campaign finances.
Build Large Gated private enclaves with the latest security systems and state police forces to deny access to those who you might have reason to fear.
Enclose those gated communities in domes that will create artificial biospheres to protect those fortunate enough to inhabit them from; the ever warming, more volatile and toxic climate.