Stand Agains Fear Based Information Control

Stand Agains Fear Based Information Control
Act on information not hate and fear.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The ”Other” Mentality of Republicans Who Will Reap The Reality Of Their Policies

The ”Other” Mentality of Republicans
Who Will Reap The Reality Of Their Policies.

People who call themselves progressive always seem surprised at Republican can callousness about human need and human suffering.  Brian William’s asked a question about executions in Texas at this week’s Republican debate.  The crowd broke into applause at Perry’s seemingly insensitive remark; Williams tried to continue asking his question, the crowd broke into applause, prompting Williams to pause.  Williams then continued: “Have you struggled to sleep at night with the idea that any one of those might have been innocent?”  Perry responded, “no, sir.” “I’ve never struggled with that at all,” he said. “The state of Texas has a very thoughtful, a very clear process in place of which — when someone commits the most heinous of crimes against our citizens, they get a fair hearing, they go through an appellate process, they go up to the Supreme Court of the United States, if that’s required.”
How could this well dressed and seeming well mannered audience so immediately share the joy at hearing that people in Texas are executed so cavalierly?  One can imagine that all of those in that audience consider themselves devout Christians and great Americans.   The answer of course is that those executed are considered to be members of that large group that they see as “OTHERS”.
It is likely that the Extreme Right wing of the Republican Party has the where with all to win the next Presidential Election and to sweep into Super Majorities in both houses of the Congress.  They have the money and they control the apparatus of political spin and rhetoric to a point where victory seems more and more inevitable.
Once they have the ability to control the government completely it is likely that a number of groups that they believe to be “Others”  will be subjected to their policies.  Policies which will be focused specifically against people they consider not to be “real Americans”. 
 The certainty that Rick Perry displayed in his answer about executions will be a part of all of their policies.  It is the same certainty available to all It is the same certainty invoked by the followers of Hitler and Stalin.  It is not really of the left or the right, it is the certainty of the zealot.  
The following groups are some who will likely reap the whirlwind of religious certainty. 
1.     Gays
2.     Progressives
3.     Those who have not been “Personally Responsible” enough to have saved the money for retirement are medical coverage in their old age.
4.     Public Schools that refuse to teach; creationism, anti-science, and Reconstructionist history (i.e., Public Schools).
5.     Unions and Union members.
6.     Non entrepreneurs
7.     The children of people who have not been “personally responsible” enough to have the money to purchase nutritional food or medical care.
8.     The working poor
9.     The homeless
10.  Those who have or are still working for the government (except for themselves).
11.  Non-Evangelical Christians
12.  Those who believe that there is a place for good government in our everyday life.
13.  Those who believe that the quality of our food and drugs should be regulated.
14.  Those who believe that our environment is threatened by the activities of man.
15.  Those who do not believe that Corporations and the Market Place are not naturally self-regulating for the common good.
16.  Those that believe that the Wealthy should pay a fair share of taxes.
17. Those that believe that wealth should be fairly distributed amongst the citizens of this country.
18.  Those that believe that the government should be of the people not the corporation.
19. Those that believe we should not be engaged in endless and objectiveless foreign wars.
20.  Those that believe that Humans have a right to be valued regardless of their wealth.
21.   Etc., etc., etc., etc., ad absurdum.

Friday, July 22, 2011

America The Coming Colony Within Itself

     The forces on the right are successfully using their "Think Tanks", their Information Engineering, and their Wealth to bring about the colonization of America's People.  As with historical colonizations, this one will have as it's motivation greed and the concentration of wealth and resources in the hands of a few.  As with historical colonizations, it will result in the economic rape of a country and it's people.  It will mean that people will lose freedoms and be subjugated to loss of their freedom to make economic choices.  Unlike other colonizations it will not require an Army, the invasion of another country, or logistics to take advantage of destruction of a foreign land.

     This is a colonization of the mind of the American people.  This is the colonization of the ingenuity and energy of the American People.  This is the seizing of the property and wealth of the American people.  It is being accomplished through just the manipulation of information.  Most of the American People are uncertain, they are confused and too indifferent or lazy to investigate what is being done to them.  They are content with the diversions of the news cycle, as the Romans were content with the diversion of the Colosseum.

     The ability of Grover Norquist to set the direction of our policy and to control our national debate is evidence that our government has simply become a kabuki theater.  A Kabuki theater that is currently engaged in a dance of diversion rather than a struggle to resist this colonization of we the people.  The shadow figures that we are seeing are no more in control of what is going on than you are I.  They are manipulated by the powerful and wealthy to act as Judas Goats and lead their own to the economic and slaughter, loss of power, and loss of freedom. The power to stop this colonization has already been siphoned away from the structures of our government through the pernicious use of wealth in the service of greed.  That siphoning has been so effective there is little hope of reversing our situation without some revolutionary intervention.  OUR GOVERNMENT IS NO LONGER WORKING FOR IT'S PEOPLE.  IT IS A GOVERNMENT FOR CORPORATIONS WHO ARE INTENT UPON SUBJUGATING TO A COLONIAL RULE.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Is it time for gorilla tactics against the corporate machine?

Vicious and sustained attacks against truth and in support of the subversion of information are the stuff of the Koch's and their right wing think tanks (CATO, Hudson, etc).  These things find their way to the Internet through  the systematic planning and financial support of the Koch and others of the extreme right.  They are display more legitimately through Drudge, Brietbart and other hate based venues.  They are also a large part of the "astroturf" underpinnings of the Teapublicans.

For centuries the poor, disenfranchised, and oppressed have fought back against power and wealth by using gorilla tactics.  It appears to be the intent of the Koch's and their minion to disenfranchise us all.   In this age of information it may be time to call for an all out attack on disinformation and hate bating.  One weapon we may have at our disposal are gorilla information tactics.  This has been used by "Anonymous" and the folks cited in the lawsuit that is linked to this post.

The link that is attached, discusses a case that has been adjudicated and found to be legal.  Perhaps this decision should be a basis for planning how to go about conducting this gorilla war.  The Internet is the obvious vehicle to spread the news and assemble the troops.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Perishable Democracy’s Lament (Ballad of the Rigids)

Perishable Democracy’s Lament
(Ballad of the Rigids)

Lines all drawn, trenches all dug
No remedy apparent to spur our economic slug
Corporate interest to the right, tangled interest to the left
Imbalance certain only to leave us bereft

Deficits are bad, of that no doubt
Spending on both sides lead to this rout
Tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, Rigid’s refrain
Working and middle class people run down by Rigid’s train

FDR’s party briefly held clout but without spines
Result was health care reform upon which big Pharma dines
Old and infirm held hostage in the Medicare debate
Health insurances vouchers at 65, a ludicrous spate

Social Security easily fixed
Rigid’s privatization means compromise nixed
More money for their markets Rigid’s goal
More wealth to the wealthy, Rigid money will go

Wars and Military Actions, harsh, habitual befuddle
Unrudderable ship afloat on an abhorrent muddle
Lives and treasury gush onto the table
No measure results in our world more stable

Rigids exact sharp labor rebate
Remove working people’s voice while cleaning their slate
Sharing the wealth is a socialist plot
Sharing the pain, the progressive Gordian Knot

Employment the paramount both parties pledged to attain
Rigids focus on Planned Parenthood and PBS to detain
Rigids hold our nose and plunge us further in deep
2012 is the objective, Rigid power monopoly complete

                                                                                Trent Rager

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother Joad or Mother Rand - America's Choice

Tom Joad's Mother
On Mother's day 2011 America faces a choice of which kind of mother we will revere.  The extreme rightest who are taking over our government would have you make the choice of Ayn Rand as our Icon of mother hood. That choice will require that you brand the American mother who devoted her life to caring for her children and providing a home for the family a looter.  Whether those women worked only in the home or worked in both the home and the workplace most of them do not meet the standard of the new "Children of Mother Rand" as producers.  Most did not create wealth therefore they are looters.  This distinction is made more dramatic by the fact that American working mothers have always faced a workplace that paid them significantly less; and was less likely to give them the promotions and raises they deserved.

Mother Rand
Given the Choice I will take the Icon of American motherhood represented by Tom Joad's mother.  That women is a powerful producer of the wealth generated through' nurturing, organization, compassion, and copious amounts of endless hard work.  The enterprise of motherhood is one of the things we should value most in America.  We should value it above; wealth, and the manipulation of wealth to maintain and create more wealth.  

Friday, April 22, 2011


Step by Step Transfer Of  Wealth from
 The Working/Middle Class to the Extremely Wealthy

1.     Systematically shift the tax burden from the rich by enacting laws based upon the notion that Wealth will trickle down if the wealthy are not taxed.
2.     Systematically do away with a Century of American Labor Law.
3.      Eliminate all of the regulatory mechanisms in the Financial and Banking sectors and declare them subject to the free market.
4.     When the Banks and Financial Sector fails bail them out with public money amortized onto the taxes of working and middle class people.
5.     Decimate all consumer protection laws and legitimize usury as a legitimate business practice.
6.     Enact laws that encourage US companies to move manufacturing offshore, and engage in “Free Trade” with countries that have no;  labor unions, or labor laws, or safety, or quality standards.
7.     Encourage the immigration and employment of low paid illegal foreign workers, by insuring that enforcement does not target those that employee them.
8.     Appoint judges to the Supreme Court who will overturn more than a century of judicial precedent with a ruling that holds that; corporations are persons and have the right to contribute unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns.
9.     Engage in endless foreign wars, to maximize a continuous flow of profit to the Military Industrial Complex.  Use the sons and daughters of the working and middle class as your military.
10. Devise a financial derivatives instrument that encourages poorly collateralized mortgages and the quick maximization and profits from those mortgages.  Design them so that they are so complex no one will understand them.
11. After the Mortgage and Housing bubble’s burst, foreclose on the last vestige of working/middle class wealth, the American Home.  Make enormous profits from those foreclosures, make sure those profits are not understood.
12. Eliminate the obligation of Social Security, by privatizing it in such a way that Wall Street will make billions while individual small investors will be subject to the whims of the market. 
13. Eliminate the obligation of health insurance for the elderly by passing laws that will privatize eldercare and shift the expenditure from providing protection for the elderly to a profit making engine for private insurance companies.
14.  Engage in alliances with fundamentalist Christian organizations to gain their voting support.
15.  Use alliances with fundamentalist Christian organizations to divert the public debate toward moral issues and away from working and middle class economic issues.
16. Eliminate costly life saving or maintaining health procedures for the elderly by making them participate in a voucher system where out of pocket cost will be prohibitive, or coverage simply unavailable.
17. Realize a death obligation synergy dividend from the working and middle class as a result of impacts of lost retirement income, and loss of Medicare coverage.  The benefit will be in direct proportion to the inevitable decrease in life expectancy.
18.  Maintain a permanent working underclass by privatizing public schools so that they can be resegregated.  Do this in such a way, as to insure that quality education will be reserved only for the wealthy.
19. Restrict access to private colleges to those students who can afford to attend elite private preparatory schools.
20. Completely privatize postsecondary education by systematically defunding public colleges while maintaining community colleges to train the permanent working underclass in specific job related skills.
21. Continue the control of elections by using fear as a propaganda tool, and systematically eliminating or restricting access to voting for working and middle class people.
22. Fight for the right of congressional redistricting that will allow right wing politicians to maintain their control (Gerrymandering) over the State and National legislatures.
23. Install a Corporation CEO as Presidents by manipulating information and flooding targeted politicians with unlimited campaign finances.


Build Large Gated private enclaves with the latest security systems and state police forces to deny access to those who you might have reason to fear.

Enclose those gated communities in domes that will create artificial biospheres to protect those fortunate enough to inhabit them from; the ever warming, more volatile and toxic climate.


Sunday, April 17, 2011



If America accepts the dictates and policies of the extreme right we will deny that the environment that we all live in is a socialist entity.  Even an elementary understanding of biology reveals that Ecosystems are interdependent.  These interdependencies are complex and include all elements, biological and environmental.  This reality of Socialist Ecosystems dictates our acts of consumption have an impacton all living organisms and upon the physical environment in which we and those organisms exist.

The world we inhabit has been incredibly forgiving. But it does not require great sophistication to realize that there are limits to the ability of the Ecosystem we inhabit to absorb our insults. If you put a family of cats in a closed cat box, continue to feed and water them, but do nothing to clean the box they inhabit, the result will eventually be their death.  Our unwillingness to endure common socialistic sacrifice to take steps to spare our ecosystem is comparable to failing to clean the cat box.

Right Wing politicians do not want you to think that we live in a socialist ecosystem.  They want you to believe that we can continue to violate the ecosystem without consequence.  Their Think Tanks (CATO, Heritage, Hudson, Mackinac,) devise strategies to keep people confused about the possible outcomes.  Their primary strategy is the simple denial of all scientific evidence that our Cat box is in trouble.  They use the propaganda resources of Fox, Rush et al, to hammer endlessly for that denial. They use Political Action Committees (PACs) to funnel money in the campaigns of politicians who have no moral or ethical problem of voting against any environmental regulation. 

A REALITY YOU CANNOT DENY; If the Right Wing is able to leverage all of these political factors to allow the despoiling of our socialist ecosystem; the people who will suffer will be your children and your grandchildren.