Tom Joad's Mother |
On Mother's day 2011 America faces a choice of which kind of mother we will revere. The extreme rightest who are taking over our government would have you make the choice of Ayn Rand as our Icon of mother hood. That choice will require that you brand the American mother who devoted her life to caring for her children and providing a home for the family a looter. Whether those women worked only in the home or worked in both the home and the workplace most of them do not meet the standard of the new "Children of Mother Rand" as
producers. Most did not create wealth therefore they are
looters. This distinction is made more dramatic by the fact that American working mothers have always faced a workplace that paid them significantly less; and was less likely to give them the promotions and raises they deserved.
Mother Rand
Given the Choice I will take the Icon of American motherhood represented by Tom Joad's mother. That women is a powerful producer of the wealth generated through' nurturing, organization, compassion, and copious amounts of endless hard work. The enterprise of motherhood is one of the things we should value most in America.
We should value it above; wealth, and the manipulation of wealth to maintain and create more wealth.
I noticed at the top it says speak up, Am I free and welcone to explore other ideas here even if it does not coincide with your points of view? Lately I feel edited by those around me. Not you... just being told I am wrong so often. Where do you stand politically just so I do not misunderstand?